General Questions

A number of service providers participate in your treatment and care during a visit to the Emergency Department and you will, therefore, receive numerous accounts, depending on the extent of your illness or injury.

In the Emergency Departments managed by our practices, the patient will always receive separate accounts from the hospital and from our practices.

The hospital will bill the patient for the facility and any medical stock used to treat the patient within the Emergency Department. We will bill the patient for the attending doctor’s fees.

Thereafter, other accounts which might possibly be incurred could include:

  • Radiology (x-rays, sonars, scans, etc)
  • Pathology (blood tests, etc)
  • Specialists (who may be required to consult, diagnose and/or treat you, eg. surgeons, neurologists, physicians, etc)

While we strive to liaise with your medical scheme regarding your claim to the best of our ability, please remember the patient as the member of the medical scheme remains responsible for all communication with their medical scheme regarding the payment and processing of claims.

Please be aware that Emergency Department visits which do not result in the patient being admitted to the hospital, are not deemed as hospital visits by medical aids, as they occur pre-admission to the hospital. This may be something to consider when selecting a medical aid plan and benefits, as “Hospital Only” plans will only cover these costs on admission.

You as a patient remain fully liable for payment of your accounts. In the event that you do not have medical aid, or that your medical aid does not fully cover the costs incurred during your time in the Emergency Department, you will need to speak directly with service providers to make arrangements to settle your accounts.

There are a number of ways you can contact us regarding your account. You will need either your Medical Aid, ID and/or Account Number on hand to make an enquiry:

There are several methods of payment to assist in making payment of our accounts easier and more convenient.

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) only:

Doctors Nay and Piccolo Inc:
  • Bank: Investec Bank Limited
  • Account Name: Doctors Nay and Piccolo Incorporated
  • Account Number: 10013692969
  • Branch: 100 Grayston Drive, Sandton
  • Branch Code: 580105
  • Swift Code: IVESZAJJXXX
Doctors Murugan and Swartzberg Inc:
  • Bank: Investec Bank Limited
  • Account Name: Doctors Murugan and Swartzberg Incorporated
  • Account Number: 10013411664
  • Branch: 100 Grayston Drive, Sandton
  • Branch Code: 580105
  • Swift Code: IVESZAJJXXX
Doctors Dlamini and Monteith Inc:
  • Bank: Investec Bank Limited
  • Account Name: Doctors Dlamini and Monteith Incorporated
  • Account Number: 10013452438
  • Branch: 100 Grayston Drive, Sandton
  • Branch Code: 580105
  • Swift Code: IVESZAJJXXX

Cash, Debit or Credit Card payment at the following locations

Cash / Card payments at the emergency departments and administration offices are only accepted on weekdays from 08h00 to 16h00. Payments are accepted at the main reception of the different hospitals for any after-hours payments.

Cheques are unfortunately no longer acceptable, due to the high incidence of fraud experienced.

Please feel free to contact us for further assistance if needed.